Mindful Explorers: A 4-week Journey
For kids ages 8-12
A Mindfulness practice is a great way to encourage creativity, build confidence, rejuvenate, be calm, & have fun.
Benefits of Meditation
- Helps kids to relax
- It’s helpful in situations that cause anxiety such as:
- Going to the Dr’s office
- Taking a test
- Performance at school
- Playing sports
- Doing better in school
- Conflicts with friends
- Safe space to better experience their emotions
- Improve their health
- Helps them to better understand what they need
Mindfulness & Meditation Series 2025 Winter Schedule
- Dates: March 16th, 23rd, 30th, Apr 6th(Sunday)
- Time: 10:00 –10:45 am
- Cost: $100 for a 4-week series. ($30.00 drop in fee).
- No refunds after series starts.
- Place: Cozy, comfortable setting. Cushions and chairs provided. Provided upon signup.
- Please pay using the link below and email Mridu (mpasrija@gmail.com ) to register for class
Click below to register and pay
4 week Meditation Series
Here’s what some young meditators are saying:
“I felt peaceful and calm.” ~16 year old girl
“The breathing technique helped me with taking tests.” ~11 year old boy
“It really helped calm me.”. ~9 year old girl